This MeetUp was for the group All My Friends Are In Couple & I'm Single. Held at The Emerald Peacock, the hosts did well to get a lounge area just for the group and it filled up quiet fast. Although most people tend to stay right at the opening, why does that happen? Is it as people want a quick escape from the venue? Or can ambush people as they come in?
Of the venue, I found it beautifully decorated with plush velvet ottomans, regal wallpapers and elegant wood panels, but it just doesn't have any heart (surprisingly as it used to be a Buddhist training centre). I did wander upstairs to the rooftop area and imagine this would be a good spot for after work drinks during Summer. Also the drinks seemed exy to me, but maybe I'm more used to pub prices now.
I spoke to a few people, some more than others and that was good for me, as still recovering from the flu. Four in particular I will remember and speak to again, as if it was many more they'd be a jumble (wonder if Yu has text'd those ladies yet).
In retrospect, I probably should have introduced myself to more people, but there is always next time and chatting with one guy (dang it! can't remember your name), he commented how the group went through different batches of people coming in and leaving, which I hope will be similar next time.
So to wind-up quickly as I'm heading out on a date, it appears to be a great group of very friendly people, some looking to settle down and find 'the One', others just looking to meet some new people. For me, it will be great to just meet some new people.
Looking forward to the next one!
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