My birthday is only a few days away and my friends have made sure I celebrate this year. Usually it's just Dinner with family and that's it. So I'm actually looking forward to this one as it's not just another day, although a little nervous as I don't know what they have planned for me.
But anyway, my family knows my dislike of cards. Birthday, Christmas, all those events where usually a card is appropriate, I don't like as I think they are a waste. Why spend $5 on a card to write 'To Claire, From Whoever,' that's all anyone usually writes on mine anyway. Pointless.
If I kept them it might be a different story but I don't, I read them and throw them away. In my perfect world, if someone wanted to write something to me they would write it on the back of a receipt or used envelope, possibly even a page out of a note book but never would they go into a shop to purposely spend money on a card that could to towards buying me a drink, something I would much prefer.
January 2013, I started shouting good riddance to the old me, including home, lifestyle, friends, job and my much loved blog. I couldn't stay away from blogging though. This blog features my experiences and adventures, highs and lows, creations, online dating, whatever I feel like sharing and most likely completely random. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and a pinch of Insanity! o.O